
Take time to foray into Sète’s maritime heritage.   Enjoy the fresh air of the sea. You feel its presence as soon as you set foot in Sète. Start at the Royal canal. Surprise! Tuna boats and trawlers are moored right in the heart of the city, facing restaurants and 19th-century buildings! The image sums up the city perfectly. And one of the trawlers even welcomes visitors: the Louis Nocca. Your children will love the aquarium, the captain's cabin and visiting the engine room. Watch the action as you wander along Quai de la Consigne, with fishing boats going back and forth, colourful boats, the bustling fish auction and fishermen repairing their nets. Stroll along St Louis breakwater: Bring your trainers and climb the 126 steps up Saint Louis lighthouse. The view ove...
Between tasty local specialities and abundant cultural creation, Sète abounds in both cultural and gourmet treasures. Its historic centre, its port, the famous Cadre Royal, its beaches, the Mont Saint-Clair or the Pointe Courte district, there are so many things to discover... That's why we've put together a top 20 list of Sète's must-sees. With a little bonus! So, don't wait any longer to explore this "singular island" with its undeniable charm. The city centre  Between canals, quays and small squares, you will immediately be charmed by the city that is now known as the "Venice of Languedoc". Founded in 1666 by Louis XIV to give a maritime opening to the Canal du Midi, Sète reveals its history during a stroll through the historic centre, particularly along the Cadr...
Water is everywhere in Sète. It is the biggest fishing port in the Mediterranean, thanks to the fish auction, the flotilla of tuna boats and trawlers and small net-casting activity in the sea and lagoon. The fishing port in the Royal canal, sheltered from the old port, is a special attraction that has always seduced sea lovers visiting Sète. The fabulous spectacle of trawlers returning to port every afternoon can be admired from the breakwater or the promenade overlooking the old dock. In the heart of the old port, the Sète fish auction provides produce throughout France including Paris, Lyon, Toulouse, Marseille, as well as Italy and Spain. The 17 trawlers and small fishermen catch ten tonnes of fish every day. The fish auction sells 90 species including monkfish, red m...
 The Thau Archipelago, a circuit of space and time All eras are found and intertwined on the Thau Archipelago: the Middle Ages and Baroque art, with the Abbey of Valmagne in Villeveyrac or the Abbey of aint-Felix de Montceau in Gigean, the circulating gardens of Balaruc-le-Vieux, the Gallo-Roman centuries, with the Villa des Prés Bas of Loupian and its mosaics of the 2nd century, the Grand Siècle, with the Canal du Midi, or the 17th century, with the Saint-Louis lighthouse, which stands at the end of the mole...  
A stroll to the Sète covered market, one of the little pleasures that I offer myself in all simplicity during my stay in the Thau archipelago. All the flavours of the South The covered market of Sète is a paradise for epicureans. The stalls are full of local produce and mouth-watering specialities: sun-drenched fruit and vegetables, wines and cheeses of character, shellfish, fish and crustaceans, not forgetting the famous tielles, or the zézettes of Sète. When you're curious and greedy like me, you don't know what to think! After enjoying a cup of coffee and a few sweets, I begin my journey of the senses. I taste a delicious tapenade that will be ideal for an aperitif with friends, take advantage of the advice of a fishmonger to learn which wine will go best with the s...
No matter which destination you have chosen for your holiday in the Thau archipelago, we invite you to take advantage of these few days to get away from it all and discover the 14 communes that make up our destination.  You can also find more information in our magazine.   Balaruc-le-Vieux Set on a hillock, the village dominates the creek of the corner with a view on the lagoon. A medieval village wrapped in its ramparts, which magnifies the past. We love to get lost in its narrow streets. Discover Balaruc-le-Vieux   Balaruc-les-Bains The first spa in France, Louis Bonaparte already came here for a cure in the 19th century! People come here to enjoy the benefits of its thermal waters, but also to stroll through the flowery alleys of the Mediterranean Ant...
In Sète, we live with the elements, and in particular with water, that lifts you up and takes you away Enclaved between the Mediterranean and the Thau Lagoon, the singular island lives to the rhythm of the water. On the water, in ULM, hobie cat or sea kayak; underwater, diving to discover Lagunethe coves of Sète; above the water, in ULM, parachute or kite surfing. But Sète is not only the song of the waves, it is also the many festivals that punctuate the summer season, such as the Worldwide Festival, or the evenings spent strolling in beach bars....    
With 12 km of golden sand on a blue background and nearly 320 days of sunshine a year, the reputation of the beaches of Sète is well established. They are even one of the major assets of the Thau Archipelago as they offer holidaymakers the choice of enjoying a view of the Thau lagoon or the Mediterranean Sea. Not to mention that they are served all along by the greenway which links Sète to Marseillan over 12 km. So, don't wait any longer to put on your swimming costume and go to this charming town! The beaches of Sète For a moment of freshness during your holidays in Sète or, quite simply, to take advantage of the iodized air all year round, we suggest you go, by bike via the green way or by bus (line 9), to one of the numerous beaches, with the Blue Flag label, which ...
Tribute to the missing sailors and fishermen. Discovering Sète's traditions Sunday morning. I enjoy a coffee on the terrace, in a small bar near the market of Les Halles, when I am challenged by excitement and music. Curious, I let myself be guided by the noise and came face to face with a procession led by a marching band. Is it one of those parades that precede the jousting tournaments, as I was told by friends who came to Sète last summer on holiday? To be sure, I decide to call someone when my eyes meet those of a lady of a certain age with a benevolent look. She tells me that today is St. Peter's Day, the patron saint of fishermen. The next stop of this great celebration takes place in the church of Saint Louis which, according to him, is worth a visit. I let myse...
A leap into the history of Sète... An immersion in the intimacy of the poet Georges Brassens and the writer Paul Valéry... Or a journey through modest and contemporary art... Here are all the experiences you can have thanks to a single pass: the "Museums of Sète" pass. But before you buy it via our online ticketing service or directly in our reception offices, we would like to tell you a little more about the five museums you will be visiting.The Georges Brassens space In addition to its jousts and its Mont Saint-Clair, Sète also attracts attention thanks to the famous singer-songwriter Georges Brassens. And what better way to discover the works of this great singer than in the museum dedicated to him.  So whether you are a music lover or simply curious, go along Boul...
What better way to discover all the secrets of Sète than to take a tour with one of our guides? Whether you want to know everything about the life of Georges Brassens, the Molière theatre or the amazing street-art that covers the walls of the surprising MaCO, explore the port city every school holiday. Discover all the guided walking tours offered by the Office de Tourisme Archipel de Thau. SÈTE HISTOIRE-LÀ  For history lovers, we suggest you start your stay with the "Sète Histoire-Là" guided tour. Meet your guide every Tuesday during the school holidays on the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville to escape for about two hours. You will go back to the time of the creation of the port, through the upper quarter, before taking your way back to the marine cemetery and going back ...
Lifestyle in Sète is imbued with tasteful elegance. Join us for a unique and perennially fashionable getaway.  Be chic and dare to indulge yourself. A showcase of poetry and beauty, Sète is an elegant backdrop for its fascinating history. The canals winding through the heart of the city tell the incredible tale of the Canal du Midi and the glorious history of the wine trade. Hop aboard a Venetian taxi on the Royal canal and discover why Sète is known as the "the little Venice of Languedoc". The sweet scent of Italy floats through the air as you pass under the bridges.   Paul Valéry, Georges Brassens, Hervé Di Rosa, Agnes Varda… the city inspires artists. Sète has been a model and a subject for songs, paintings and films. Art abounds.  Visit workshops ope...
The halles de Sète reflect the identity of Sète. This is where you can breathe the atmosphere of the city, a concentration of local specialities, regional products and authenticity. From its esplanade to its shopping alleys, the exceptional products carry high the flavours of the south. Naturally, fish and shellfish are at the top of the pavement! The atmosphere is friendly and sunny. All generations meet up among the sun-drenched fish, shellfish, fruit and vegetables, you can only be seduced. You come here to do your shopping of course but also to taste some oysters from Bouzigues or a Sète tielle (small pie topped with spicy octopus) accompanied by a glass of white wine from the region. An unforgettable experience. Les Halles de Sète welcomes you every day of the y...
Summer vacation with friends is clearly the best time of the year. No schedules, no strings attached, just cool sharing time. When I booked the summer holidays for our group of friends, I already had a few criteria in mind, set during our last evenings: a trip that didn't make us waste too much time, a festival with a good program, the beach to recover from our evenings. And I had the perfect plan: the Thau archipelago. After a few hours on the train, we disembark in Sète and put down our stuff. Just enough time to change our clothes, and here we go for an afternoon on the beach, which will finally turn into an aperitif in a straw hut.  After a short stop in our rental for a small shower, direction the city center and its lively terraces to eat a bite to eat. We find ours...
Rich in history, the little Venice of Languedoc can also boast a generous culinary heritage. And what could be better than to experience this during a cooking workshop during your holidays? If you are tempted by the experience, go to the heart of the Halles de Sète to meet Joe the Cooker and his chef, Magali Mag.  For adults  With friends or family, beginners or experts, the chef Magali invites you to discover the secrets of Sète's recipes during one of the three thematic workshops she offers: Discovery, Authentic, Ronda Viticole. You will have the choice between: making a dish and a dessert; cooking a starter, a dish and a dessert; unless you prefer to accompany your dishes with a wine tasting. And if the dilemma is too great, it is even possible to do a course (180...
In search of meaning... Because you aspire to one thing only: freedom, the freedom to contemplate, the freedom to breathe as you please, to engage in activities rich in beautiful encounters. In Sète, wherever you are, the sweetness of life is in the pleasure of all these moments. Draw from its light, its smells, its flavours and the gossip of its inhabitants the creative energy that generates authenticity.  Between the sea, the lagoon and the garrigues, this town set on the water will only reveal itself if you agree to lose yourself in the time it takes to walk along the paths of Mount Saint-Clair or the Pointe courte, the time it takes to have an impromptu picnic after a two-wheeled ride around the lagoon or to contemplate the sunset from one of the many viewpoints off...
In Sète, there are the beaches of Paul Valéry, Georges Brassens... but there's also a life after the beach A life of hut, on Mont Saint-Clair. A cultural life, with the Chapelle du Quartier Haut, the MIAM or the Espace Brassens. A lively culture also, from the Pointe-Courte fishermen's quarter to the Halles centrales, where you can taste tielles and shellfish, without forgetting the daily ball of the trawlers returning to the port. A nocturnal culture too, with the fairy tale of the canals at night or the Théâtre de la Mer and its magical scene. More than a view, a vision....  
The Mediterranean Sea and the Thau lagoon are beautiful playgrounds for lovers of water sports and leisure activities, whatever their level. What are you waiting for to jump into the water? The Thau archipelago along the water. Local words: to discover the lagoon and the secrets of shellfish production for which the Thau basin is famous, there is nothing better than a boat trip! From the ports of Mèze and Bouzigues, former oyster farmers take you on a trip along the river, with explanations! Don't miss: the tasting walks and "sunset" outings in Mansathau, a delight for your taste buds and eyes! The Thau lagoon: an ideal spot for kite-surfing Kite-surfing combines the pleasure of a sliding sport, the technicality of a sailing sport and the adrenaline of an extreme sport...
From the foothills of the Gardiole to the shores of the Thau lagoon, here more than anywhere else the vineyards reflect their past. Sun-drenched clay-limestone soils, a combination of wind and a favourable micro-climate, this was all it took for the Etruscans, Greeks and Romans to invest in this terroir and plant vines here. Two millennia later, one of the oldest vineyards in France continues its wine odyssey. A long maturation Sète was still an uninhabited mountain when, in 1666, Louis XIV ordered the construction of a port to facilitate the export of wine throughout Europe. The area produced mainly white wine. Until then, vines had been confined to the plateaux, but they were soon planted on the plains and ended up producing high yields of poor quality wine: a red wave ...
See you in 2024 to vibrate to the same rhythm in the Thau Archipelago! On the programme of this top (non-exhaustive) list of festivals: music, art, good local produce, a little reading and poetry... K-Live (early June) Each year, by leaving their mark on the walls of the city, they enrich the Musée à Ciel Ouvert (MACO) in Sète, which offers an artistic and picturesque stroll all year round, dotted with mural works. But the highlight of the K-Live Festival remains the beginning of June, when urban arts, visual arts and contemporary music concerts converge in the streets of the city centre and in the famous Théâtre de la mer. When I think of Fernande (end of June) When you think of Fernande, you actually think of the most gently impertinent festival in Sète. A real n...
The theatre of the sea is an amphitheatre that is one with the rock and offers a face-to-face with the open sea, bathed by the light of the moon and its reflections on the water. Irresistible. At the foot of Mount Saint Clair, the Théâtre de la Mer dominates the Mediterranean. Every summer, this ancient 18th century fortification welcomes the great artistic events of the city of Sète. The acoustics are exceptional. It is the ideal setting for hosting the festivals organised during the summer season. Originally Fort Saint-Pierre, the Theatre of the Sea was originally part, with the semaphore, of a defensive complex designed to protect the population and the port of Sète from land and sea attacks. Built on seven platforms arranged in an amphitheatre facing the sea, and equi...