Culture and Heritage

Take advantage of the large playground that Sète forms to discover its wide range of activities and cultural venues.
. 34200 SETE
The MaCO: if New York has its MOMA, Shanghai its MOCA, Sète in all modesty has its open-air Museum.We applaud enthusiastically the initiative launched in 2008 by the street-art festival K-LIVE. Every...
    • No
Access to documents (books, CDs, DVDs, newspapers and magazines etc.) belonging to the network of multimedia centres in the Thau district (François Mitterrand and André Malraux centres in Sète, ...
    • Yes
A "théâtre de poche” for young and old alike with an eclectic, dynamic auditorium featuring a wide variety of performances from September to June. For children on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 4 pm:...
    • Yes
A varied theatre programme and summer festivals in a stunning, open-air setting overlooking the Mediterranean Sea...For more information contact the Tourism Office: - +33 (0)4 ...

From Monday 01 April to Thursday 31 October 2024

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

10:00 to 18:00

From Saturday 02 November to Sunday 29 December 2024

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

09:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 18:00

23 quai Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny 34200 SETE
The MIAM focuses on fringe and unorthodox work, and likes to examine both high-brow and popular culture, a reflection of the world and its multiple realities. It aims to transcend the boundaries ...
    • Yes

From Tuesday 02 January to Tuesday 31 December 2024

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

10:00 to 18:00

148 rue François Desnoyer 34200 SETE
Located on the slope of the Mont Saint-Clair on a terrace overlooking the seaside cemetery and the Mediterranean, the Musée Paul Valéry enjoys an exceptional setting.In addition to the fine arts ...
    • Yes
Rue des 3 Journées 34200 SETE
At the heart of old Sète, right in the middle of the Upper District, the St-Louis church is the oldest in the city and the largest of the "decanal” churches. Built in 1702 from ashlar and based on ...
The Etang de Thau is the largest and deepest of the Languedoc-Roussillon lagoons (4.5 m on average and up to 10 m).As a true inland sea, the Etang de Thau is only separated from the Mediterranean by a...

All year long 2024

Ouvert tous les jours

Quai Aspirant Herber 34200 SETE
Fishing boat tour - the Louis Nocca Welcome on board!From the bridge to the engine room, step on board for a dockside tour of a Séte fishing boat.Aquariums, video, displays illustrating life at ...
    • No
The picturesque Quartier Haut, dominating the port, is nicknamed "Little Naples" because the fishermen that live there hail from the Amalfi Coast and have brought the atmosphere of southern Italy to ...

All year long 2024

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

26 quai Aspirant Herber 34200 SETE
The Regional Contemporary Art Centre (CRAC) of Occitanie, Pyrénées-Méditerranée lies on the pathways of artistic communication that travel between Italy and Spain, from North to South, from the ...
The Promenade de la Corniche stands ten or so metres above the Mediterranean.It connects the centre of Sète with the corniche district via a highly protected natural environment, alternating between ...

From Monday 01 July to Saturday 31 August 2024

Ouvert tous les jours

10:30 to 13:00 and 15:30 to 19:00

From Sunday 01 to Sunday 29 September 2024

Saturday, Sunday

From Saturday 19 October to Saturday 02 November 2024

Ouvert tous les jours

14:00 to 17:00

Môle Saint-Louis 34200 SETE
The Saint Louis jetty was the first structure to be built when the city was founded in 1666. It is 650 metres long.The jetty has a walkway by the sea that stretches as far as the Saint-Louis ...
    • No
It's the pride of Sète. From its summit, it offers lovely views across the sea and coastline as well as across the lagoons and ‘garrigue’ (typical scented shrubland of the south). The plunging ...

From Monday 08 April to Thursday 31 October 2024

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

10:00 to 18:00

67 boulevard Camille Blanc 34200 SETE
The Espace Georges Brassens is a vibrant destination thanks to new sound and image techniques.The visitor, equipped with sterophonic headphones, is guided by Georges Brassens' voice throughout the ...
    • Yes
Promenade Jean-Baptiste Marty overlooks the Quai de la Consigne. The Consigne office was an authority to which all armed vessels in Sète had to pay a deposit.The former headquarters of the curing ...

All year long 2024

Ouvert tous les jours

1, Rue Jean Vilar 34200 SETE
Perched high above the Mediterranean and the Théâtre de la Mer, this museum recounts the history of the port of Sète since the 18th century.It houses an extraordinary collection of model boats by ...
    • Yes
Access to documents (books, CDs, DVDs, newspapers and magazines etc.) belonging to the network of multimedia centres in the Thau district (François Mitterrand and André Malraux centres in Sète, ...
    • Yes
The canal acts as a public stage in Sète. Not only has the town developed around it, but uses it to put on a show.Here, between the two bridges, in this section of the canal known as the Cadre Royal,...
40 Chemin du Cimetière Marin 34200 SETE
In about 1680 the Saint-Charles cemetery was created so that the first workers who died on the Saint-Louis jetty construction site could be buried.It bears witness to the diversity of the city's ...