Winter - Page 2

Today, I'm learning to make the famous Sète tielle to bring back the flavours of my vacation with me. I have often heard about the tielle, this octopus pie and tomato sauce. I like to travel, but above all, I like to taste the culinary specialties! There's no better way to discover a culture, is there? I go to the Halles de Sète to drink my coffee before starting the cooking workshop. The chef, very friendly, explains the origin of the tielle, its ingredients and how we will cook the octopus. We start by making the dough, which was often the baker's dough at the time. A little flour, olive oil, yeast and salt, we knead well and here is our dough ready, we will let it rest until we prepare the rest. The thawed octopuses, ready to boil, in a saucepan. Now we remove ...
Take time to foray into Sète’s maritime heritage.   Enjoy the fresh air of the sea. You feel its presence as soon as you set foot in Sète. Start at the Royal canal. Surprise! Tuna boats and trawlers are moored right in the heart of the city, facing restaurants and 19th-century buildings! The image sums up the city perfectly. And one of the trawlers even welcomes visitors: the Louis Nocca. Your children will love the aquarium, the captain's cabin and visiting the engine room. Watch the action as you wander along Quai de la Consigne, with fishing boats going back and forth, colourful boats, the bustling fish auction and fishermen repairing their nets. Stroll along St Louis breakwater: Bring your trainers and climb the 126 steps up Saint Louis lighthouse. The view ove...
Do you dream of calm and nature? Escape? So cheer up, flee the city, towards the Thau Archipelago!  In this sumptuous setting, time stretches indefinitely, the time is at hand.... Spending a day in Thau means relaxing in a green and blue garden, between the sea, lagoons and the scrubland. On foot, by bike or even in a bathing suit, it is time for idleness, simple pleasures, romantic picnics at sunset... In a word as in a hundred, it is high time to let yourself live and take the time...
 The Thau Archipelago, a circuit of space and time All eras are found and intertwined on the Thau Archipelago: the Middle Ages and Baroque art, with the Abbey of Valmagne in Villeveyrac or the Abbey of aint-Felix de Montceau in Gigean, the circulating gardens of Balaruc-le-Vieux, the Gallo-Roman centuries, with the Villa des Prés Bas of Loupian and its mosaics of the 2nd century, the Grand Siècle, with the Canal du Midi, or the 17th century, with the Saint-Louis lighthouse, which stands at the end of the mole...  
A leap into the history of Sète... An immersion in the intimacy of the poet Georges Brassens and the writer Paul Valéry... Or a journey through modest and contemporary art... Here are all the experiences you can have thanks to a single pass: the "Museums of Sète" pass. But before you buy it via our online ticketing service or directly in our reception offices, we would like to tell you a little more about the five museums you will be visiting.The Georges Brassens space In addition to its jousts and its Mont Saint-Clair, Sète also attracts attention thanks to the famous singer-songwriter Georges Brassens. And what better way to discover the works of this great singer than in the museum dedicated to him.  So whether you are a music lover or simply curious, go along Boul...
If you are looking for an idea to occupy your winter or summer evenings or to entertain your children, this article is for you! Indeed, the Thau Archipelago is full of theatres and concert halls where young and old alike can be entertained. Theatre, concerts, dance, one-man shows, musical tales, puppets... There's something for everyone and in every season. So, curtain up!  The Molière Theatre, Scène Nationale (Sète) Located along the Avenue Victor Hugo, the Molière Theatre is a well-known venue for the people of Sète. Here you can enjoy theatre, but not only! With nearly forty shows on offer throughout the year, you will be spoilt for choice: music, dance, opera... There are even shows for children. For the record, we owe this Italian-style theatre to the archit...
Lifestyle in Sète is imbued with tasteful elegance. Join us for a unique and perennially fashionable getaway.  Be chic and dare to indulge yourself. A showcase of poetry and beauty, Sète is an elegant backdrop for its fascinating history. The canals winding through the heart of the city tell the incredible tale of the Canal du Midi and the glorious history of the wine trade. Hop aboard a Venetian taxi on the Royal canal and discover why Sète is known as the "the little Venice of Languedoc". The sweet scent of Italy floats through the air as you pass under the bridges.   Paul Valéry, Georges Brassens, Hervé Di Rosa, Agnes Varda… the city inspires artists. Sète has been a model and a subject for songs, paintings and films. Art abounds.  Visit workshops ope...
Festive meals are the ideal occasion to sublimate the riches of our land. Advice, recipe ideas, here are our top 5 local products to have on your table at the end of the year! 1 - Oysters from the Thau basin Their iodine perfume and their characteristic nutty taste make us melt all year round, but it is in the heart of winter that they are at their best. Produced in Bouzigues, Mèze and Marseillan, Thau oysters are an essential part of our festive meals, let's face it! Raw, they go very well with a simple lemon juice, but can also be eaten with a shallot sauce or with a dash of balsamic vinegar, olive oil and a turn of the pepper mill. Gratinated, they go wonderfully well with parsley butter, but also with a white wine or leek-based sauce.   Don't hesitate to ask ...
Oh no, it's raining! Don't panic, whether you are with adults or with your family, we suggest 10 activities to do on the rare days when it rains in the Thau Archipelago.      1 - Let's go to the movies?  Comfortably installed in your seat, with a packet of popcorn in your hand, enjoy the latest films in one of the two cinemas in Sète, the Comoedia and the Palace, at the Taurus in Mèze or the CinéMistral in Frontignan. Block-busters, art house films, screenings for young audiences, you're bound to find something to suit you! In autumn and spring, screenings are also organised every Sunday afternoon at the Piano-Tiroir cultural centre in Balaruc-les-Bains.    2 - Take advantage of the opportunity to learn something new!  In Sète, culture is king and can also ...